Month: October 2019

Not sure about something? Ask
The office and maintenance team are here to help you, so if you want to paint a wall, adopt a cat, or upgrade an existing light fixture and you’re not sure if you’re allowed to, ask. Also, check your lease for specific guidelines. You can style your apartment to reflect your personality by adding cool furnishings and homey decorations, but just make sure your efforts are not counter to your lease agreement. Let’s talk!
Where Are All The Job Seekers?
With U.S. unemployment rates low and construction activity remaining relatively high, a shortage of skilled construction labor will continue to be a problem in 2019. The problem will only get worse with expected reductions in immigrant labor. Builders will.
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Growing Material Costs
Modular Prefabricated Buildings

Don’t Be A Bad Neighbor

Getting A Four-Legged Friend?
When it comes to having a dog and living in an apartment, it is important to choose a dog that has the right temperament. Sure, any dog could live in an apartment, but some breeds are more suited to small space living than others. You will need to consider several things when it comes to choosing a dog and no matter what dog you choose, having the time to give your dog enough exercise is important. Even very active breeds can survive living in smaller spaces when they are well exercised.
These 5 breeds are listed as the best when it comes to living in apartments according to the American Kennel Club: Shit Tzu, English Bulldog, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Pug, and Greyhound. These dog breeds tend to have easygoing and friendly personalities and relatively low energy levels which makes them great apartment companions. Remember, you are taking on the responsibility of a living thing – make sure you’re ready. Check with us for Fido rules.